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Friday, May 15, 2009

One Collage Every Day: Day Two

I can spend all day fiddling in the studio, and at the end, this is what I have to show for myself.

Kinda like that big machine in Willy Wonka that whirs and hisses and toots and steams and finally, at the end, out pops one teeny tiny dinky little piece of candy.

Ding-dong, tweet tweet, whoosh, whir...that's it.


trish said...

I feel so much better hearing that I'm not the only one who does that! ;) I can't wait to see your next collage, looking good so far~~!
have a great weekend

Janet said...

I do the same thing! Some days I spend the whole day in the studio and have absolutely nothing to show for it. You've created another cool collage!

Lynn Cohen said...

Nice idea to keep you moving...
I've been busy pumping out ATCs by the caseload of late. LOL
Come see...
New ones posted tomorrow (Saturday).

These are nice Karen...not like little candies but big gooshie nummy ones.

Ascender Rises Above said...

Brave you to commit to collage a day. I am never able to fulfill those daily commitments. I did photo a day; that lasted two days. sigh.
I am curious; you mentioned on my blog that you had used that template that I am attempting - did you leave wordpress to blogspot for ease of setup? At least I know where I can go for tips. it has been driving me crazy the last few days