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Friday, February 01, 2008


I bought myself some grey-scale brush pens, to experiment with shading. It really adds a whole different dimension to the sketches, I think. I've been re-reading one of Danny Gregory's books about drawing and creativity, and I've really been inspired...


Anonymous said...

Oh, neat! I like the effect you can achieve with those grey scale brush pens. Your faces have so much character and life.

AscenderRisesAbove said...

grey scale brushes. didnt know such a thing existed. thatnks for the heads up

AscenderRisesAbove said...

grey scale brushes. didnt know such a thing existed. thatnks for the heads up

Lynn Cohen said...

You are having fun with your sketches and the pay off is wonderful people in wonderful poses. The shading is great too.
What is a "brush pen"?