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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Walk with Me

I put what I think are the finishing touches on this piece today. I love this one.

I also cleaned my studio and made crabcakes for dinner--do those things count as being creative, too? At one point while I was making dinner, the girls were mixing up a batch of brownies and Richard was working on school stuff at the table and Joel was cutting potatoes in chunks--it was a very busy place! The crabcake recipe is a yummy one--anyone want a copy, let me know.


Jessie said...

ooh! oooh! me! me! i'd love your recipe for crab cakes. i've never made them before. are they hard to make?

your artwork, my dear, is fabulous. i could just sit here and soak up these colors all day long. she look mischieveous and i want to follow her to see where she'll go! :)

Olivia said...

Beautiful artwork; and yes, yes, yes, crab cakes definitely count as being creative :)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, rich color palette. I think she's great! The composition's nice, too ... with the symmetry of the repeating trees complementing the formalness of her attire. I like that your colors in the pathway and left side are similar to the dress also and dark ... forces the eye even more to her face and forward direction. Lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

The card you send me of one of your collages was a very nice one.
I can see a part of it in your blogs header.
Keep on desining i would say.

Greetz Peter (whocares)

Anonymous said...

The richness of your colors...simply amazing!

Anonymous said...

They're all creative and productive, and crab cakes are my number one favourite food. Pity no-one else shares my tastes.

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful picture of busy domestic bliss you have painted with words! Yes of course the crabcakes count :-)
Well done with sticking to the pledge so well.. Go Karen!

Deborah March said...

Oh my. What a wonderful composition.