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Monday, May 07, 2007

Waiting for a response to some work I submitted (writing and artwork)--it's a little nervewracking. I'm teaching art at the school tomorrow in two classes (8th and 1st). Busy day.

My project for the week is to splice into the phone lines (under the house?) and run a phone cable out to the studio, as the cordless phone just doesn't get very good reception out here. I'll put in a jack out here, so I don't have to rely on the cordless setup. This is the kind of thing that I would have hired someone to come and do for me, ten years ago. Maybe it's a sign of growth that I'll tackle it myself? Hmm.

1 comment:

Rosie said...

It's not the waiting thing that gets me in the submissions's that they don't want you to have put anything up on your blog. Since I work almost all of my stories out there, it doesn't leave me anything to submit. Then I end up with someting sitting on my computer gathering dust waiting for them to have a look see. It's why I'll probably never get published.