I've spent the last few nights drawing, mostly animals, mainly birds and horses and seahorses.
As usual, I start to notice things--for example, how horses' noses and seahorses' noses are similar and how they're different--how the patterns of scales and feathers are similar and different--and then that brings me back to patterns and randomness and serendipity in art (and life).
I still can't figure out why I can draw a seahorse but not a human hand--some things in life are apparently intended to remain a mystery for eternity...
So I'm looking at my patterned owls and wondering why I'm having so much trouble making a seahorse that has the patterns in it--maybe my seahorses are too soft-edged when done with pencil? But then they don't have the same gracefulness when they are done in pen. It's a quandary.
Linking up to Paint Part Friday--I'll post more pictures soon. I'm sending this from my phone, and it will only allow me to send one picture at a time!
pretty seahorses nonetheless!
I love how floaty these sea horses are! I like hearing your thoughts about it all too.
I've come to terms with my artistic style I think. Stopped comparing my self to those I admire , and just accept it as what is for me. Since others seem to accept I feel I should too!
The faces on the seahorses are wonderful.
I think most people are fascinated by seahorses. I have trouble with human faces, too--and animals of all kinds. I doubt I could draw a seahorse--LOL! Maybe if I had a picture to try to copy. I am not good at drawing things from life, either. But I keep working on it now and again. Your seahorses are lovely! :)
Fabulous sketches! :) Beautiful creatures.
Awesome seahorses.
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