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Monday, May 06, 2013

Finishing Some Paintings

Finished these two paintings up today and put them on Etsy to sell. Writing up the listings is fairly time-consuming for me. If anyone's found ways to speed up the process, I'd love to hear about it. I'm thinking I'll offer the girls a paid job doing it for me once school gets out--

Katie's decided to attend Cal State Long Beach next year. It was a tough decision for her, but I think she made a good decision. We will sure miss having her around here...

Trying to fight off a cold/sinus infection. Had trouble getting to sleep last night, having trouble being very motivated today--Yuck.

Hope everyone out there is having a great day!


Lynn Cohen said...

These are fun paintings!! Bet they sell fast!

Oh my, your daughter off to college?!! Wow! How exciting for all of you!

I'm happy in Portland visiting son, DIL and baby Allie!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I love that first one - the wings and hair ornament (it reminds me of a spanish rose) are perfect touches!
My son is off to the University of Oregon in the fall; I've hearing great things about Cal State Long Beach these days (I grew up near there).