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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Finally fixed...

My internet connection, that is.

I've taken a long break, both from the blog and the studio, partly because the 'end-of-school/beginning of summer' is so hectic around here, and partly because I think I needed it. I'd liken it to the nap I just took, a siesta, if you will. I am infinitely refreshed and ready for action!

We've had a nice summer around here so far--Joel attended California Boys' State in June, and loved it. He's been playing all three sports with the varsity coaches, which has turned into a full-time job. Thank goodness he can drive, or the twice a day drives down to town would be killing me! Katie's spent time with friends and she and Jenny have spent oodles of time just messing around together--

I haven't done much artwork--haven't even spent much time in the studio--but today I hooked up a new (and undamaged) ethernet cable out to the studio, and I'm recommitting myself to my art. I really am most productive if I spend three or four hours a day out here, treating it like a job, almost. I also need to remind myself that a) art is a process; b) art is not perfect; and c) this is supposed to be fun...

so I'm ready to go! I took a cruise through the hardware store the other day, and picked up some new (to me) tools and supplies--so hopefully I'll have plenty to share!


Jacquie said...


Jacquie said...


Lynn Cohen said...

Good to see you here again. A siesta huh? We took a vacation and now are working on the house renovations, actaully getting it cleaned up and stuff stuffed into boxes for the painters and floor guys to be able to work in a few weeks from now. So my art supplies are mostly put away and I have been too busy to do any anyway. And it feels okay too. I have ideas flowing and some things on paper, but no fabric to touch yet.
All in good time.

Olivia said...

Welcome back, Karen, I've missed you and your ladies :) I'm so glad you're returning to art. I agree that it has to become a dedicated commitment like a job or there will never be any time for it (this is my situation). A goal I have is to also return someday soon. Thank you for the inspiration. And again, great to have you back! Love and blessings, O

Karoda said...

Good to see you back...I had wondered if you had given up blogging...hangeth in!