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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

A Long Break

Okay, it's been awhile since I posted here; life has just been hectic with Joel playing football and getting his driver's license (and OHMYGOSH how did THAT happen?), and Katie finishing tennis and starting basketball and being very determined to improve her writing skills for her Honors English teacher, and Jenny just being Jenny, singing a solo in her old piano teacher's fall recital and playing with her new puppy (and OHMYGOSH what was I thinking when I said yes to that?). Not to forget all the minor stuff like cooking dinner and capturing wayward goats...

Because Joel and I will be sharing a vehicle until we buy something for either Richard or me, I'll be home, completely grounded, every Wednesday/Thursday/Friday. Let's just say I'll get to spend lots of time in the studio, so it won't be all bad.

Big day here in our little town, as a school bond measure is on the ballot. Sharply divided opinions--who wants new taxes? Not I, says this little red hen--but what it comes down to, for me, is the words of one of my very wise friends, who said, "Sometimes the right thing to do is also the hard thing to do."

I have a whole other post developing in my head about politics and government, but I'll save that for another day.


Lynn Cohen said...

Oh do enjoy your studio time as then we can too.

Beautifully Recreated said...

It is great to have you back- I have missed you. Love your posts and enjoy checking out your latest creations. Not that I want you house bond but I am looking forward to the fruit of your studio labour.

Beautifully Recreated said...

It is great to have you back- I have missed you. Love your posts and enjoy checking out your latest creations. Not that I want you house bound but I am looking forward to the fruit of your studio labour.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'd say that VERY often the right thing to do is the hard thing to do.