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Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Busy Busy Busy Day

Lots going on today--worked on art, wrote 2400+ words for Nanowrimo, Katie got hurt at school, Phoenix the 'man-goat' got hurt AGAIN, Joel went to the Emergency Room after getting a big gash over his eye at basketball practice--hmmmm. Have I left anything out?

Oh, and Katie reminded me to 'be in the now, Mom.' What a gal.


Kelly said...

Holy moly parenthood! You parent people rock. I don't know how you do it. Katie's a blossoming Zen Master. :)

Olivia said...

Wow, Karen, You have a full plate! You're still standing and still keeping on...Katie's advice is precious. Love, O

Angela said...

Holy cow, woman! That was good adivce, but I might've been tempted to be a "bad mom". Probably why I'm not one. :)

Anonymous said...

I'd say: "It can only get better from here," but, having been a parent, I won't call that down upon you. =] Hope everyone is healing. You sound very productive!