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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hazel in the Night

More of life under the sea...


Anonymous said...

this reminds me of a painting I did back when I was painting regularly (90s, early 2000, probably late 90s) that has two fish swiming through space. I love fish swimming through space - don't know why but it feels just right. And that house off in the distance. What a lovely and very moody picture this is - the white of the little girl standing out so starkly. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is an amazing work. The composition is perfect, the light colours in the fish and house repeating the main light area of Hazel. I love the glow around her and the mysterious darkness beyond that. It's dark, but the dark of a night when the full moon plays peek-a-boo from behind passing banks of clouds. Wonderfully evocative.

Anonymous said...

Wow...very interesting!